Lista izabranih publikacija – OVO LINKOVATI NEKAKO SA BAZOM

Učešće u međunarodnim projektima – OVO LINKOVATI NEKAKO SA BAZOM

Učešće u nacionalnim projektima – OVO LINKOVATI NEKAKO SA BAZOM

Oblast naučnog interesovanja:

  • Crte ličnosti, merenje crta ličnosti, razvoj implicitnih testova za procenu crta ličnosti i srodnih konstrukata, relacije crta ličnosti i shizotipije-dezintegracije.


june 2016 – short term post doc stay at the Ulm Univeristy, Germany, supervisors prof dr Oliver Wilheml and Johannes Keller;
april-may 2015 – short term post doc stay at the Univeristy of Tartu, Estonia, supervisor dr Kenn Konstabel
2007-2012 PhD Studies, Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade. Supervisor: Prof Goran Knezevic, PhD. Members of the committee: Prof Brian Nosek, PhD; Prof Goran Opačić, PhD; Prof Dejan Lalović, PhD. (GPA: 10). PhD thesis defended on 5th October 2012.
2006-2007 Master’s Degree, Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade. Supervisor: Prof. Goran Knezevic, PhD. (GPA: 9.86. Master thesis: 10).
2000-2006 Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade (lower first class GPA 8.79. Diploma thesis: 10)


Stipendije: Stipendija Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnoloskog razvoja za mlade istrazivace – doktorante, 2008-2010.