Reconceptualization of the model of the basic personality structure

In the contemporary literature investigating basic personality structure, increases the number of studies testing and questioning comprehensiveness of the existing influential personality models, e.g., Five Factor Model (Costa & McCrae) and Six-factor HEXACO model (Ashton & Lee).

In our Lab, important research line is dedicated to the systematic collection of the evidence supporting the hypothesis of the existence of the broad, hierarchically organised, multidimensional behavioural dispositional structure, i.e., basic personality trait named Disintegration (Knežević, Savić, Kutlešić & Opačić, 2017).
Disintegration trait comprises of 9 subdimensions: General Executive Impairment, Perceptual Distortions, Enhanced Awareness, Depression, Paranoia, Mania, Flattened Affect, Somatic Dysregulations, and Magical Thinking. This trait was named Disintegration (Knežević et al., 2017). The basic assumption behind this construct is that all phenomena captured by these facets stem from a certain level of a disintegration of the information processing systems responsible for reality testing, resulting in peculiar, incoherent and distorted cognitions, emotions and motivations. Disintegration factor was found to be separate from the Big Five or Big Six traits. Disintegration was postulated to be a dimension accounting for both normal and abnormal personality variations, clearly differing from all Big Five or all Big six traits.

In addition to investigating Disintegration, in the Laboratory we collect evidence to prove the existence of disposition for amoral behaviour – Amoralism (Knežević & Radović). The Amoralism construct is similar to Honesty/Humility, proposed by HEXACO model as one of the basic personality traits. Indeed, it seems that individual differences in the sense of fair-play are forming a continuum independent of other personality traits. Facets of the amoralism are crudelia (sadism, brutality, and passive amorality), and frustralia (rationalisation and projection of amoral impulses, Machiavellianism, and resentment). The third facet – lascivia (low control, superficial hedonism, and laziness), though relevant for the related to the phenomena of morally relevant behaviour, in greater extent belongs to the domain of self-control (conscientiousness, restraint). Different from Honesty/Humility, Amoralism is secondary induced by the Disintegration, which makes it most similar to the Dark Triad/tetrad phenomena.

Predictive validity of basic personality traits in adaptive and maladaptive forms of behaviours

In the last few years, researchers from the Lab conducted two large-scale surveys. One study was longitudinal, on the representative sample of the Serbian population, while the other was conducted on the sample representative of the senior high-school population of Serbia.

Longitudinal research on the representative sample of Serbian population was aimed to investigate the influence of basic personality traits on psychopathology.

Research conducted on the sample of senior high-school students aimed to investigate proposed seven-factor personality model (Big five+Amoralism+Disintegration) and to explore predictive validity of the seven-factor personality model in wider spectrum of adaptive and maladaptive behaviours.

Maric, N. P., Lazarevic, Lj. B., Priebe, S., Mihic, L., Milovancevic, M. P., Supic, Z. T., … Knezevic, G. (2022). Covid-19-related stressors and mental disorders and distress: A cross-sectional, nationally-representative, face-to-face survey in Serbia. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences.

Knežević, G., Lazarević, Lj. B., Bošnjak, M., & Keller, J. (2022). Proneness to psychotic-like experiences as a basic personality trait complementing the HEXACO model – A preregistered cross-national study. Personality and Mental Health. Preprint available at

Stanković, S., Lazarević, Lj.B., & Knežević. G. (2022). The role of personality, conspiracy mentality, REBT irrational beliefs, and adult attachment in COVID-19 related health behaviors. Studia Psychologica, 64(1), 26-44.

Knežević, G., Lazarević, Lj. B., & Zorić, A. (2022). The meaning of momentary psychotic-like experiences in a non-clinical sample: a personality perspective. PLoS ONE.

Boljanić, T., Miljkovič, N., Lazarević, Lj.B., Knežević, G. & Milašinović, G. (2021). Relationship between electrocardiogram-based features and personality traits: Machine learning approach. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology

Lazarevic, Lj. B., Knezevic, G. & Bosnjak, M. (2021). Does the disposition towards psychotic-like experiences incrementally predict grandiose narcissism? Representative evidence from Germany. Current Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-02112-9

Lazarević, Lj. B., Bjekić, J., & Knežević, G., (2021). Multitrait Multimethod validation of Implicit Association Test as a measure of individual differences in personality: is there personality at all?. Journal of Research in Personality.

Lazarević, Lj. B., Purić, D., Teovanović, P., Lukić, P., Zupan, Z., & Knežević, G. (2021). What drives us to be (ir)responsible for our health during the COVID-19 pandemic? The role of personality, thinking styles and conspiracy mentality. Personality and Individual Differences. [html]

Jokić, B. & Purić, D. (2021). Seeking proxies for internal states as a possible alternative for rationality and experientiality. SAGE Open, PDF

Knežević, G., Lazarević, Lj. B., Montag, C. & Davis, K. (2020). Relations between lexical and biological perspectives on personality: new evidence based on HEXACO and Affective Neuroscience Theory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 102(3), 325-336. [pdf]

Jokić, B. & Purić, D. (2019). Relating Rational and Experiential Thinking Styles With Trait Emotional Intelligence in Broader Personality Space, Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 140-158.

Montag, C., Davis, K., Lazarević, Lj. B., & Knežević, G. (2019). A Serbian version of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (ANPS) including associations with the Five-Factor Model of personality as assessed with the NEO-PI-R. Open Psychology, 1, 303-316. [pdf]

Knežević, G., Lazarević, Lj. B., Purić, D., Bosnjak., M., Teovanović, P., Petrović, B., & Opačić, G. (2019). Does Eysenck’s Personality Model Capture Psychosis-Proneness? A Meta-Analytic Approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 143, 155-164. [pdf]

Trikoš, L., Jojić, Nj., Knežević, G., Živanović, M., Svorcan, P., & Jovanović, A. (in press). Exploration of personality in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Vojnosanitetski pregled. [pdf]

Peruničić Mladenović, I. & Knežević, G. (2018). Faking amoralism: An ability elusive to both measures of substance and style. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 95-101. [html]

Savic, D., Knezevic, G., Matic, G., & Damjanovic, S. (2018).PTSD and depressive symptoms are linked to DHEAS via personality. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 92, 29-33.

Knežević, G., Savić, D., Kutlešić, V., & Opačić, G. (2017). Disintegration: A Reconceptualization of Psychosis Proneness as a Personality Trait Separate from the Big Five. Journal of research in personality [pdf]

Međedović, J. (2017). The profile of a criminal offender depicted by HEXACO personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 107, 159-163. [pdf]

Međedović, J., Čolović, P., Dinić, B. M., & Smederevac, S. (2017). The HEXACO Personality Inventory: Validation and psychometric properties in the Serbian language. Journal of Personality Assessment, 5, 1-7. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2017.1370426.

Živanović, M., Čerović, S., & Bjekić, J. (2017). A six-factor model of brand personality and its predictive validity. Psihologija, 50(2), 141-155. [pdf]

Knežević, G., Lazarević, Lj. B., Bosnjak, M., Purić, D., Petrović, B., Teovanović, P., Opačić, G., Bodroža, B. (2016). Towards a personality model encompassing a Disintegration factor separate from the Big Five traits: A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence. Personality and Individual Differences, 95, 214-222 doi:http://10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.044 [pdf]

Lazarevic, Lj. B., Bosnjak, M., Knežević, G., Petrovic, B.,  Puric, D., Teovanovic, P., Opacic, G., Bodroza, B. (2016). Disintegration as an Additional Trait in the Psychobiological Model of Personality – Assessing Discriminant Validity via Meta-Analysis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 224(3), 204-215. doi:http://10.1027/2151-2604/a000254 [pdf]

Lazarević, Lj. B. & Orlić, A. (2015). Implicit assessment – Paradigm of implicit measurement in the field of individual differences. Belgrade, Institute of psychology, Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of sport and physical education, University of Belgrade [pdf]

De Bolle, M. …., Bratko, D., … Knežević, G., Purić, D. …  & Terracciano, A. (2015). The Emergence of Sex Differences in Personality Traits in Early Adolescence: A Cross-Sectional, Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(1), 171-185. doi: [html]

Andric, S., Maric, N. P., Knezevic, G., Mihaljevic, M., Mirjanic, T., Velthorst, E., & van Os, J. (2015). Neuroticism and facial emotion recognition in healthy adults. Early intervention in psychiatry, doi:10.1111/eip.12212 [pdf]

Međedović, J. ( 2015). Nomološka mreža psihopatije. Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja.

Kujačić, D., Međedović, J., & Knežević, G. (2015). The relations between personality traits and psychopathy as measured by ratings and self-report. Psihologija, 48, 45-59. [pdf]

Međedović, J., Petrović, B., Kujačić, D., Želeskov-Đorić, J., & Savić, M. (2015). What is the optimal number of traits to describe psychopathy? Applied Psychology, 8(2), 109-130. [pdf]

Pejić, M., Tenjović, L., & Knežević, G. (2014). Validacija upitnika ličnosti BFI-10 – kratke forme Inventara Velikih pet (Validation of BFI-10 personality questionnaire – a short Big Five form). Primenjena psihologija, 7, 45-62. [pdf]

Loeckenhoff, C. E., …Knezevic, G. … , Terraciano, A. (2014). Gender Stereotypes of Personality: Universal and Accurate? Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 1-20. [abstract]

Petrovic, B., Medjedovic, J., Savic, M., & Zeleskov-Djoric, J. (2014). Predicting multiple criteria of criminal behavior with HEXACO domains and facets. Personality and Individual Differences, 60, S40.

Knežević, G. (2014). Profesionalna selekcija: elementi, izazovi, i jedno praktično rešenje. Knjiga II: Ličnost. (Personnel Selection: elements, chalenges and one practical solution. Book II: Personality). Centar za primenjenu psihologiju: Beograd. Recenzenti: prof. dr Josip Berger, prof. dr. Vladimir Herdrih i doc. dr Lazar Tenjović.

Međedović, J. (2014). Should the space of basic personality traits be extended to include the disposition toward psychotic-like experiences? Psihologija, 47, 169-184. [pdf]

McCrae, R. R., …, Bratko, D., …,  Knežević, G., Purić, D., … & Terracciano, A. (2013). The inaccuracy of national character stereotypes. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 831–842. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2013.08.006. [pdf]

Batinić, B., Šaula-Marojević, B., & Vukosavljević-Gvozden, T. (2013). Personality profiles of patients with dysthymic and panic disorder. Psychiatria Danubina, 25(2), 115-122. PDF

Chan W, …, Bratko, D., …, Knežević G,…Terracciano A. (2012). Stereotypes of Age Differences in Personality Traits: Universal and Accurate? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(6), 1050-66. doi:10.1037/a0029712. [html]

Petrović, B., Lazarević, Lj. B., & Damnjanović, K. (2012). Ka formulisanju modela darovitosti/talenta za ritmičku gimnastiku: Šta čini visoku uspešnost u ovom domenu?. U: Altaras Dimitrijević, A. (Ur.), Darovitost: pogledi i ogledi (str. 239-262). Beograd: Filozofski fakultet.

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Dimitrijević, A., Hanak, N., Vukosavljević-Gvozden, T., & Opačić, G. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Empathy Quotient (S-EQ). Psihologija, 45(3), 257-276. PDF

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