Partner institutions:
- Institute of psychology, Faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Institute of criminological and sociological research, Belgrade, Serbia
- Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Institute of nuclear sciences “Vinča”, Belgrade, Serbia
- Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Laboratory for Social Cognition, Faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Institute for medical research – Group neurophysiology, Belgrade
- Ulm University, Germany
- PIN – Psychosocial Innovation Network
Other useful links:
- Peer-reviewed journal Psihologija – journal of the Association of Psychologists of Serbia (APS)
- Peer-reviewed journal Psihološka istraživanja – journal of the Institute of psychology
- Empirical studies in psychology – EIP – annual conference organized by the Institute of psychology, and Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade
- Project Implicit Serbia
- Open Science Framework
- Preregistration – preregister your study
- KOBSON – Consortium of the Libraries of Serbia
- O-NET database – information about standardized and to specific occupation relevant descriptors
- GESIS panel – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- National Institute of Health – grants and financing
- COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology
- HORIZON 2020
- Submit you research proposal to the ethics committee – IRB, Department of psychology, University of Novi Sad
- Repository of psychological instruments in Serbian