The following equipment for research is available to our collaborators and students. The equipment was obtained as part of the project No. 179018 (Institute of Psychology, University of Belgrade), financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development, Serbia.

  1. Schuhfried battery of tests:
    1. Determination test
    2. Differential attention test
    3. Vigil test
    4. WAF tests – perception and attention
    5. ZBA – Time/movement anticipation
    6. PP-R – peripheral perception
    7. TATEENS – abilities of young for sport achievement
    8. MLS – test of motoric performance
    9. DRIVESC – abilities of persons with neurological and mental difficulties for driving (clinical use)
    10. BFSI – Big five
    11. A3DW – mental rotations and representation of 3D objects
    12. INSBAT – tests of cognitive abilities
    13. CORSI – short-term memory capacity
    14. LVT – selective attention and orientation in visual tasks
    15. AMT – adaptive test for assessment of logical reasoning
  2. BIOPAC equipment for physiological measurement and interpretation of the data
  3. iPads for recording every-day/spontaneous verbal behaviour with EAR software (Electronically Activated Recorder)
  4. Virtual Reality (VR) equipment

Software acquired as part of the project No. 179018 available for use to our collaborators and students:

  1. xSample app for Experience sampling
  2. ePrime software
  3. MPlus software

In addition, in your research you can use:

  1. Total Assessment – platform for on-line testing
  2. LIWCser – Serbian dictionary developed for LIWC software for automatic text analysis.
  3. CEDRUS RB 540 – peripheral component for responding to tasks.

If you are interested in using some of the equipment in your research, please contact us.